Active Directory Management

Azure AD migration optimization
Simplify your migration to Azure AD while still addressing the needs and challenges of on-prem Active Directory user management. You can manage your entire AD / Azure AD infrustructure with a single pane of glass. Automated workflows deliver enhanced efficiencies over traditional manual tasks in your extended AD and AAD environments. Plus, extend user-access control and security practices to non-Windows systems and applications with One Identity Active Roles.

Hybrid AD management and security
Automate critical identity administration tasks, such as provisioning, de-provisioning, group management, and identity lifecycle management across your entire hybrid AD environment. Control and simplify management by automating the full range of identity lifecycle functions, including for your privileged users. Streamline account creation and unify cross-platform account management after an AD/Azure AD migration or consolidation.

Governance extension for AD and Azure AD management
Modernize and secure your Active Directory user management. With One Identity solutions, the jump to governance is a small one. Through One Identity Starling CertAccess, cloud-delivered identity services, AD-based identity lifecycle management is easily enhanced with secure user access-request and access-certification capabilities to deliver governance as part of your AD strategy.

Unix and Linux extension for AD/AAD management
Overcome the shortcomings of native Unix and Linux tools by making those platforms ‘full citizens’ in Active Directory. Unify authentication, identity-lifecycle management and role management across platforms. This enables you to institute single sign-on, unify provisioning and enjoy cohesive authentication for multiple environments. Plus, it will reduce the day-to-day user-administration burden of overworked Unix/Linux admins.